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Seaman Job Bank - Passenger Ship

Passenger Ships.

Passenger Ships are specially made for to transport passengers and passengers along with their vehicles from port to port. These ships normally make small voyages. They provide passengers with rooms, meals and with other essential things. Here you can see passengers with their motor cars, motor cycles and International truck drivers with freezer or cargo containers.

These ships too offer entertainment but not like a cruise ship.

Passenger ship Jobs.

Those who want to work on board these type of vessels must have professional qualifications and necessary certificates as required by the International Maritime Organization. Officers, cadets and crew are normally given 6 - 8 months of contract period to work on board along with their travel expenses for joining the vessel and repatriation to home.

There are mainly 3 departments in the short distance making passenger ships.

Deck Department.

Consist of Master, chief officer, communication officers, second officers, third officers, Deck cadets, Boson, able seaman, deck hands.

Engine Department.

Consist of chief engineer, second engineers, third engineers, fourth engineers, engine cadets, electrician, fitters, welders, motorman and wiper.

Galley Department

Purser, chief cook, assistant cooks, mess boys and waiters.

Those who want to join the passenger vessels must sign collective agreement. The salary will be paid monthly to the seafarer's bank account or can be paid as cash advances in the ship's calling ports.